Catherine Mee Sales and Marketing

Catherine Mee Sales and Marketing has over a decade of experience in sales, marketing, communications, and PR campaigns. Catherine Mee founded the Catherine Mee Marketing company to help her client businesses drive growth and increase brand awareness. 

Their team of professionals works closely with you to develop personalised marketing strategies that are tailored to your specific objectives and requirements. They don’t just want to provide you with a professional service – they also aim to build long-term partnerships with each and everyone of their clients. Their goal is to challenge you (the client) to step out of your comfort zone and collaborate with you to help your brand stand out.

Insight’s web development team set about building a website that would ‘stand out from the crowed’. Catherine wanted a new website that would convey her unique approach to sales and marketing. ‘Slick, clean and stylish’ is what the company wanted. The website uses some quirky animations and visuals that brings the user in. While it is full of lots of little wow elements the focus had to also be on allowing users to get a clear overview of the company and its services. I think you will agree our  design team created a beautiful, modern, sleek, and vibrant website with a professional edge. The simplistic white background with pops of colour from vibrant images adds an attractive visual aesthetic throughout the website.

The website allows users to view the full range of services that Catherine Mee Sales and Marketing supply throughout Ireland. Services such as Marketing Management Retainer, Paid Advertising Management, Content Creation, Branding development and Social Media Management, to name a few.

The website is fully responsive and designed to adapt and function intuitively on all devices including desktop computer, tablet devices and all smart phones.

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