There are many ways to get your products and services online; Insight will advise you on the best and most cost-effective e-commerce solution to meet your needs and budget. It might be a case of implementing a standard brochure-type site with simple e-commerce solutions to test the market before you jump to a large high-end, database-driven online credit card verification solution.

Our objective is to cater for all of our client’s needs, large or small, so we give our clients access to all options available and advise on the benefits that the web can offer their specific businesses.

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With so many eCommerce Platforms available to businesses nowadays, deciding which shopping cart will best suit your business needs can take time. Many different features must be considered to find the perfect match.

For example, if your store is small and only has 10 products for sale, your site may be best suited to a more basic content management system like WordPress using WooCommerce. However, if your store is significant, offering thousands of products to your customers, we recommend using a more robust store management system like OpenCart, Magento or Shopify.


Your payment gateway options will depend on which eCommerce Platform you choose for your business. At Insight, we can integrate any payment gateway options you choose depending on your requirements, such as PayPal, Stripe, SagePay or Realex.

Some payment gateways are more suited to particular business types than others. One aspect you will want to consider is what type of security you wish to use when allowing your customers to make payments; this is important when deciding whether you want the charge to occur on your website or your payment gateways’ secure payment page. Each has different PCI compliance implications. Some businesses will choose to have purchases take place seamlessly on their own website, with payment going directly to their merchant bank account others will choose to have payments take place on an external secure payment system, thus removing the responsibility for security checks to be carried out on their website. Different fees and contracts are available from the various providers, and we will advise you on your best e-commerce solutions accordingly.

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