Trad Success is a trusted, Irish, family run business based in Cork and founded by Hugh and Eugene Walsh, also known as the Walsh Brothers. Their business was setup as an online music learning business. They teach students how to play instruments in the Irish traditional music style.

 Insight Multimedia Web Design and Development Team built the Trad Success music learning portal by integration a customised e-commerce store where students can download their chosen music lessons for their selected instrument (Guitar and Ukulele). Students can then learn and practice their chosen instrument through online video lessons. They can download linked lesson content and progress through their journey of learning  to play a musical instrument step by step in a very customised process. The Walsh Brothers have been teaching student to play musical instruments one to one for many, many years. They have now adapted their tried and tested process to an online environment.

The user interface (UI) was designed to adapt perfectly on all device types such as phone, tablet, laptop and desktop ensuring all users get the best possible experience while taking their online courses on their smartphone, tablet or desktop.

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